EuniCe & Peace

Peace in her school uniform - January 2015

Eunice is 35 and lives here in Kibera, Kenya with her daughter Peace 6.


In March 2014 I was in Kenya with NEPHAK, they took me to Kibera one of the largest slums in Africa. It was a hot dry afternoon, the place was teaming with life and the sound of music resonated down the mud streets. We made our way down paths that led to narrower path that led to even narrower path. Dug down the middle of each path is a half meter trench that serves as drains. Some parts are so steep it was more like climbing than walking. The locals were much more adept at it than I was. We made our way to Eunice’s home.


Eunice rents a small house of one tiny room. It has no running water and no electricity. She has a bed covered with a mosquito net and few chairs. Eunice is pleased to have this home, before she used to stay in communal boarding houses, at least now she has a front door.  It cost $15 a month to rent this mud home with a tin roof. Eunice makes ends meet by doing washing wherever and for whoever she can. She sends money to her two elder daughters that live with her mother in the country.  Peace, last child is 6 and was born HIV positive. Eunice has been giving her treatment since she was a baby and she will be starting school soon. She lives here in Kibera where she has a community and network, she would like to start a small business selling pots and pans. We are helping put her plan together.




Peace's Fee structure for 2016
Eunice 35 and Peace 6



Leads to Independence,

Security and Empowerment


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